

Kiting is one of the ancient sports prevailed in India... Even Kings and emperors and their families have engaged in the art of kiting centuries ago.. In India, many of the festivals are associated with kiting...  There were many different type of kites available in India for the purpose of fun flying...   Kites have evolved rapidly in time, and now kites with much higher capabilites are available for the modern adventure seekers...  We do kite flying and provide training in kite flying including traction kites.... A traction kite can provide you enough traction to pull your body  forward which enables you to move forward effortlessly and re-direct the traction to almost any direction u want....You can use the same pulling force to power a buggy or surf board on water and have real fun moving around with just the power of the wind...

Though the kite flying look so simple, one need to learn the fine inputs to reap the maximum benefits of the wind speed... Kite flying is very economical and can be flown almost anywhere in almost all weather conditions other than the rains... Modern kites are coming in the shape of a paraglider and  will give u enough traction to connect it to ur 3 wheeled buggy and ride the beaches or large flat lands...

Basic Kite flying training can be done in a day or two, then the student can gather experience by himself with his own kites...

Pl contact us for more info and training facilites and equipments.....


Paragliding and paramotor courses are scheduled to begin from september  onwards.  Tandem Joy Rides are also open from October 2019 . . Please contact/mail  us to book your seats as early as possiblle .

(c) 2013 Adventure Inc, Palakkad, Kerala